We teach, learn, lead and serve, connecting people with the University of Wisconsin, and engaging with them in transforming lives and communities.

Corn Silage & Corn Pest Management Workshop March 26

A workshop is being held on Wednesday, March 26 to assist farm decision-making regarding corn pest management and corn silage management.  Corn is grown on more acres in WI than any other crop.  Corn silage forms the largest ration component on most WI dairy farms and is a particularly important crop in Northeastern WI. The […]


Crop Programs & Insurance Decision-Making Workshops Taking Place

(Lena, Birnamwood)   Farms are in the middle of very important decision-making processes regarding their crop acres for the 2025 growing season.  Two key risk management programs which farms may utilize are Crop Insurance and the Farm Service Agency’s Agriculture Risk Coverage(ARC) or Price Loss Coverage(PLC).  Both of these critical programs have upcoming decision deadlines; March […]


Pesticide Applicator Training Sessions Upcoming

Wisconsin farms that conduct their own pest management control practices need to be certified through the Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) process to purchase or apply restricted-use-pesticides.  The process for ordering the PAT manual and registering for a training/test session has undergone significant changes.  Anyone wanting to re-certify or become certified must visit the PAT website […]


Beef Quality Assurance Certification Meetings Scheduled

Verona, Wisc. — 2024-25 is the 3-year mark for the majority of Wisconsin farmers certified in the Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program.  In 2018, certain packers announced they would only purchase cattle from farms selling finished cattle that are BQA Certified. The UW-Madison’s Division of Extension and the Wisconsin Beef Council will be hosting in-person […]


New Wisconsin Ag Climate Outlook Alert!

Know what weather is headed your way! Sign up today to get weekly, in-season email updates from the Wisconsin Ag Climate Outlook by visiting https://cropsandsoils.extension.wisc.edu/wisconsin-climate-outlook/ . Each report includes helpful maps regarding temperature, precipitation, and comparisons to recent weather and climate patterns to help you make the best decisions you can around planting, irrigation, nutrient […]


Focus on Forage Webinar Series 2025

Join the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension for the 2025 Focus on Forage webinar series. Webinars are free and run from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.  Certified Crop Advisor CEUs will be available for each webinar. Past webinar recordings can be found on the Focus on Forage Website. This program is sponsored by the University of […]


Like us on Facebook!

Extension Marinette County also has more to offer by utilizing Facebook social media. Like our page to see information that we share which can enhance your daily lives!    


Local Foods Available

There are many farms in our area which focus on producing food products and selling directly to consumers.  Whether you want to find a perfect head of cauliflower, a peck of apples for school lunches, or fresh farm eggs for baking, our area’s farms are ready to meet your needs. One easy location to find […]