Badger Crop Connect Programs

Join us for Badger Crop Connect next Wednesday at 12:30! The UW–Madison Division of Extension’s Ag Institute is hosting the fifth annual Badger Crop Connect webinar series for the 2024 growing season. The purpose of this series is to provide agronomists, crop consultants, and farmers with timely crop updates for Wisconsin. These free webinars take […]


New Wisconsin Ag Climate Outlook Alert!

Know what weather is headed your way! Sign up today to get weekly, in-season email updates from the Wisconsin Ag Climate Outlook by visiting . Each report includes helpful maps regarding temperature, precipitation, and comparisons to recent weather and climate patterns to help you make the best decisions you can around planting, irrigation, nutrient […]


Focus on Forage Webinar Series 2024

Join the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension for the 2024 Focus on Forage webinar series. Webinars are free and run from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.  Certified Crop Advisor CEUs will be available for each webinar. Past webinar recordings can be found on the Focus on Forage Website. This program is sponsored by the University of […]