(Lena, Birnamwood) Farms are in the middle of very important decision-making processes regarding their crop acres for the 2025 growing season. Two key risk management programs which farms may utilize are Crop Insurance and the Farm Service Agency’s Agriculture Risk Coverage(ARC) or Price Loss Coverage(PLC). Both of these critical programs have upcoming decision deadlines; March 15 for crop insurance and April 15 for ARC/PLC. These programs interact to form the base of crop risk management practices for most farms.
Crop production costs are likely to be higher than expected income for many crops in 2025. Thus, proper risk management is extremely important for farms as we approach the upcoming production year. The Extension Offices of Shawano, Oconto, Marinette and Langlade Counties are sponsoring a pair of workshops that are designed to help producers make these exceptionally important decisions regarding crop insurance coverage, FSA program participation, and crop vs. crop planting decisions.
Tues., March 4 at 10 a.m. @ Lena Town Hall (6087 Goatsville Road, Lena)
Discussion will begin with an overview of the ARC vs. PLC decision process for 2025 and how that choice interacts with crop insurance. The focus will then shift to Crop Insurance type and coverage selection. Scott Reuss, Regional Crops/Soils Educator with UW-Madison, Division of Extension, will lead the discussion and analysis. Included in the discussion will be ways that producers can maximize coverage and how the choices which farms make impact their per acre premiums and coverage levels.
At the conclusion of the Lena program, any farms wanting to go through an analysis of per acre cost of production estimates with Reuss can remain and do so. Contact Reuss at 715-732-7510, text/call to 715-701-0966, or e-mail to scott.reuss@wisc.edu if you have any questions about the program or these topics. The workshops are partially supported by the Farm Pulse: Grain Marketing and Crop Insurance project.