2025 Breakfast on the Farm is at Zeitler Enterprises W8368 E 16th Rd, Coleman, WI on June 22, 2025. A flyer will be available in another month or so.

Other information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/DairyFarmersofWisconsin/
Crops and Soil Educator Scott Reuss coordinates the educational displays and opportunities at the annual BOTF events. If you have particular topics which you would like to see addressed at the 2025 event, send him your ideas at scott.reuss@wisc.edu
The Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin (wisconsindairy.org) website is set up to help you understand more about the Wisconsin dairy industry, including a Meet our Farmers documentary series that showcases six different farms’ stories from across the state. Don’t forget that the beef industry has a large role in WI agriculture, with over $2 billion in sales every year. Their checkoff funded website at beeftips.com has beef recipes, educational resources, grower information, and also has a ‘get to know our farmers’ section.
On the crops side of agriculture, the Wisconsin Corn Growers (wicorn.org) have industry news, educational resources, and explanations of their promotion and other efforts. The WI Soybean Growers (wisoybean.org) also have similar resources and a meet our farms section. Other grower groups which have websites allowing you to learn more about their production practices, producers, and how to utilize products in nutritious recipes include the WI Apple Growers (waga.org), WI Berry Growers (wiberries.org), WI Grape Growers (wigrapes.org), WI Potato and Vegetable Growers (wisconsinpotatoes.com), WI Cranberry Growers (wiscran.org), and others, as well.
Lastly, if you want to find more localized information, you can visit marinette.extension.wisc.edu and go through the agriculture and/or horticulture tabs to learn about many different aspects, as well as see updates on local events. You can also direct specific questions to Crops and Soil Extension Educator Scott Reuss by calling 715-732-7510 or e-mailing to scott.reuss@wisc.edu